Harworth Church of England Academy

Harworth Church of England Academy


At the end of every term we have a whole school pilgrimage.  In preparation for the morning each class spends time reflecting on a particular religious story, a piece of artwork or religious festival which are based on a theme.  The classes create big questions and along with artefacts, music and photographs/ artwork they set out their classroom for everyone to visit.  During the pilgrimage every class spends time in each room providing the opportunity for reflection and wonder.     


Each class was given a piece of artwork based around the different parts of the Christmas story.  They explored the picture in class before creating their own interpretations and big questions. 

World Faiths.

This term was based on world faiths with each class exploring one of the major faiths. 

The Holy Trinity.

The children used art like the one below by Luca Rossettia da Orta to explore the Holy Trinity and its meaning to Christians.