Harworth Church of England Academy

Harworth Church of England Academy

Eagle Owls
Welcome to Spring term

Welcome to Eagle Owls and the Spring Term.


I thought it would be lovely for you to know what is happening in Eagle Owls this half term. I have provided snapshot below of what we are learning about in every subject.


Homework is a regular and important part of school life but it is not meant for you and your child to worry about. I would very much appreciate your support with any homework that is set. Homework will currently be set on a Friday.

Your child will complete weekly spelling tests. Practice sheets will be handed out every week in their black folders. Spelling tests for the week will also be put on https://spellingframe.co.uk Children should have log ins for this. Please contact me if you need any log in details for this. These tests will be set every Friday along with homework. Their test will be the following Friday.

PE will take place on Thursdays. On these days, please ensure your child comes to school in the correct PE kit. It is also important that on these days, they do not wear any jewellery, unless it needs to be covered with a plaster for a given reason.


Please read with your child as much as possible and ask them questions about the text, please see me for any ideas on how to best do this.


We look forward to continuing to develop your child’s learning to their maximum potential. If you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s education with us please get in touch.

Our recommended reading list books for Year 5 pupils 

To read more about these books for Year 5 pupils aged 9-10 visit



Lots more suggested books for Year 5 pupils here:



This link is also amazing to find a suitable book for your age and genre


The children have their own individual logins for the websites below (email me if your child does not know their login).

