Harworth Church of England Academy

Harworth Church of England Academy

Welcome to Wise Owls (YEAR 6)

Welcome to the Spring term!

Welcome to Wise Owls and welcome to the Spring term!

I thought it would be lovely for you to know what is happening in Wise Owls this half-term. Below, I have provided a snapshot of what we are learning about in each subject! As well as our 'bird's-eye view' sheet which gives a quick display of our key learning areas. Please also see the documents at the bottom of the page suggesting some books for your Wise Owl to read.

Homework is a regular and important part of school life but it is not meant for you and your child to worry about. I would very much appreciate your support with any homework that is set. Homework will currently be set on a Friday and is due to be completed and handed in by the following Thursday.

Your child will complete weekly spelling tests. Practice sheets will be handed out every week in their black folders. These will be set every Friday along with homework. Their test will be the following Friday.

Please read with your child as much as possible and ask them questions about the text, please see me for any ideas on how to best do this. Please record any reading comments in your child's reading record.

Every Thursday, your child will participate in an outdoor learning/PE day, requiring them to wear their PE kit all day.


I look forward to working with you this year to develop your child’s learning to their maximum potential. If you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s education with us please contact me via email (jedwards@harworth.snmat.org.uk). This email will not be monitored during the day due to teaching therefore if it is urgent, please contact the school directly.


Thanks for your support,

Mr Edwards

A suggested reading list for Y6 pupils