Harworth Church of England Academy

Autumn Term - Welcome to Barn Owls!

We work hard, try our best, listen to each other and most of all enjoy learning new things.

Class 3 - Barn Owls - Autumn Term

Welcome to Barn Owls! Please find to follow information about the class and what topics we will be studying this term.

I very much look forward to working with you this year to develop your child’s learning to their maximum potential. Please contact me in school if you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s education.


Spelling tests will be on a Thursday. Your child will be given a spelling folder with a list of words to practise for a test the following Thursday. 


P.E. will take place on Wednesday. Please can the children come into school wearing their school P.E. kit and trainers along with sports trousers and a sports jumper/hoodie, as we will be outside. All jewellery is to be removed and hair tied back if it is shoulder length or longer. If your child has their ears pierced and cannot remove their own earrings they will be required to cover them with plasters before arriving at school. 

Reading books

Each child has a reading record in a plastic wallet with a colour banded reading book. I encourage every child to read every day if possible, at home to a family member or even over the phone to a Grandparent for example. Please write comments in it when someone has listened to them read. Your child can also respond with their own comments if they have read independently. Please make sure that their reading book and reading record is in school every day.

Here is a link to recommended reading books for a 7 to 8-year old if you want to purchase any of your own books: https://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/reading-lists-for-ks2-school-pupils/reading-list-for-year-3-pupils-ks2-age-7-8/


Each child will have a homework folder to take home every Friday. Please can the children bring in any completed homework by the following Friday at the latest.  Please ask if you have any questions about any piece of homework.

Autumn Term topics

(See documents at the bottom of the page for more information)

Numeracy – Place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, money, shape, amounts, fractions, time, data / graphs.

English – We will be reading The Ironman by Ted Hughes, building towards writing a character description, a set of instructions, and a letter. We will also be reading I Was Born In The Stone Age by Michael Rosen.

Science – Materials: Rocks and soil. Forces and magnets.

Art: Drawing: Growing artists.

Artist – Alana Ciena Tillman.

Computing – Creating media: Video Trailers. Networks / Internet.

Design and Technology - Food: Eating Seasonally. Mechanics: Pneumatic systems (toys).

Geography –  Land use / sketch maps. Europe.

History –  Stone Age to Iron Age.

Modern Foreign Languages - French greetings. Colour, size and shape.

Music – Ballads. Creating compositions (mountains).

Musician - Composer: Matt Rodgers. Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Physical Education (P.E.) – Real PE: (Personal unit and Social unit).

Sportspeople - Michael Jordan. Becky Downie.

Physical, Social, Health Education (P.S.H.E.) – Families and relationships. Health and wellbeing.

Religious Education (R.E.) - Creation. People of God.

What is your 'shelfie'?

I am currently reading 'Gold Rush' by Michael Johnson. What are you reading?


As well as the links in the above introduction, please click on the links below to  support your learning at home.


BBC Bitesize





